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Watch | “Bhaglo Beta Bhaglo”, Exhausted ‘Pandit ji’ Tells Couple To Run During Pheras In This Viral Video


In India, wedding ceremonies are typically a lengthy event. People are normally enthusiastic at the start of a celebration, but they get exhausted by the end.

A video of a wedding celebration circulating on the internet demonstrates how those involved in wedding functions, aside from the couple, become exhausted by time-consuming rituals and traditions, specaily the ‘Pandit ji.’

In the viral video, a ‘Pandit ji’ tells a couple to run during the phera ceremony. ‘Pandit ji’ apparently meant to tell to the couple that he was tired because it was 3 a.m., so he said “bhaglo beta bhaglo.”

The couple and guests at the wedding burst out laughing when ‘Pandit ji’ made a witty remark.

The video has received over 5 lakh likes since it was shared.


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