A terrifying incident unfolded in Uttar Pradesh’s Fatehpur district, where a woman’s headless torso was found in a field and the severed head was retrieved from a well.
The 22 year old woman was from Rae Bareli and had eloped with a man from her house around two months ago.
As per the latest details from the ongoing investigation, two people have been arrested on Monday in relation to the incident while the prime accused is absconding, police said.
The duo was initially taken into custody for questioning after the dismembered body was found in the agricultural field in Sarwal village on Saturday.
The head was found in Sevaramau village in the Asothar police station area on Monday based on information divulged by them, the police said.
“The identity of the woman (in the age group of 22-23) has been ascertained. She is a resident of Rae Bareli district, and two months ago, she eloped with her lover. The prime accused is absconding, and efforts are on to arrest him,” Superintendent of Police, Fatehpur, Satpal said to news agency PTI.
The crime against women is on the rise in the state, it is high time for the administration to take cognizance of the issue and enforce stricter penalties.