Your Weekly Astro Prediction


The thrilling weekend finally comes to an end and a busy week is ahead so let’s see what stars have stored in for you in your weekly Astro prediction by the World-renowned Astro writer Joanne Madeline Moore.

Weekly Astro Prediction, Joanne Madeline, News Mobile, News Mobile India, Stars, Weekend, Prediction
Your Weekly Astro Prediction

Horoscope (July 29, 2019 – August 04, 2019)

ARIES [March 20-April 20]

Are you procrastinating about which project to pursue? A bored and unengaged Ram is a recipe for trouble. With the Full Moon activating your aspirations zone, focus intently on your goals for the future. And with Neptune moving through your dreaming zone, it’s definitely time to follow your bliss. So your motto for the moment is from original celebrity chef (and birthday great) Julia Child. “Find something you’re passionate about, and keep tremendously interested in it.”

TAURUS [April 21-May 21]

The focus is on home sweet home as the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars all visit your domestic zone. Mid-week is the best time to patch up problems with a family member or tidy up and beautify your living or office space. Then Thursday’s Full Moon pushes you to display your true capabilities, as you discover your individual groove and assert your independence at work. Avoid being stubborn though. If you experiment and explore, then you’ll really shine.

GEMINI [May 22-June 21]

Sonam Kapoor shines in nude gown at Cannes 2018

Mid-week is a wonderful time to resolve a misunderstanding with a friend or family member. If you walk a mile in their shoes, then you’ll have more patience and empathy for their current situation. Then the Full Moon encourages you to explore and experiment as you study, travel or venture into brave new personal territory. It’s also important to capitalise on your current international contacts. With careful nurturing, who knows where they will lead in the future?

CANCER [June 22-July 23]

MS Dhoni, T20, squad, West Indies, Australia, Cricket, Sports, NewsMobile, Mobile, News, India

If you’ve been burying your head in the sand, then a financial problem could come to a head and demand to be addressed. The planets encourage you to be direct about dealing with challenges. Definitely no side-stepping allowed! Wednesday is the best day of the week to express your creativity or organise a romantic rendezvous. Do your best to avoid being a snappy Crab on Thursday, when the Full Moon magnifies your mood swings and heightens your emotional sensitivity.

LEO [July 24-Aug 23]

The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars are all travelling through your sign. So it’s time to tap into the very essence of what makes you the fiery, creative, demanding Diva that you are. Don’t let relationship rumbles, work worries or financial fiascos diminish your delightfully flamboyant demeanour. Be inspired by Leo model and actress Cara Delevingne (who was born on August 12, 1992). “Be brave. Believe in yourself. Make yourself proud.” Spoken like a true Lion!

VIRGO [Aug 24-Sep 23]

Prepare for a colourful and chaotic week! Mercury (your patron planet) is powering through Leo until August 29. So creative ideas and persuasive arguments will keep your mercurial mind well stimulated. Friday looks rather disruptive though, when Uranus takes your usual routine and turns it upside down. With a fun and flexible attitude, you’ll sail through any temporary turbulence and order will be restored by the time Mars moves into your sign on the weekend.

LIBRA [Sep 24-Oct 23]

Wednesday looks wonderful, when the Sun and Venus encourage you to make a wish list of your goals for the future. The Aquarian Full Moon also stimulates your peer group, hopes and wishes zones. So make sure you surround yourself with family, friends and colleagues who encourage your talents and support your dreams. Be inspired by singer-songwriter (and birthday great) Madonna. “I stand for freedom of expression, doing what you believe in, and going after your dreams.”

SCORPIO [Oct 24-Nov 22]

You have ambitious professional plans and goals for the future but sometimes you hold yourself back for fear of looking foolish. This week’s stars encourage you to be confident and proactive as you reach for the stars! You’re in the mood to fix something around the house or repair a problematic relationship with a relative. A family member could also turn to you for some insightful words of wisdom. If you listen to your intuition, then you’ll know just what to say.

SAGITTARIUS [Nov 23-Dec 21]

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You’re in the mood for foreign travel as you dream of exotic destinations and romantic escapades. Unhappily single? Start planning your itinerary ASAP because you could meet your soul mate on your next holiday. Attached Sagittarius – you could play gregarious host to family or friends who come to stay from far away. If you have a problem, then turn to a relative for some advice. They have an alternative perspective that will open up your options considerably.

CAPRICORN [Dec 22-Jan 20]

It’s all about money honey, as the Full Moon stirs up trouble and you need to find an innovative solution to a cash flow problem. If you’re a clever Cap, then you’ll pal up with a financially astute person who helps you find ways to develop a second stream of income. The more proactive, creative and collaborative you are, the more positive your financial future will be! It’s also a good time to get closer to family and friends who you know you can trust and rely on.

AQUARIUS [Jan 21-Feb 19]

Thursday’s Full Moon (in your sign) amps up your Aquarian need for freedom, independence and avant-garde adventures. But don’t feel you have to tackle a current project or problem on your own. The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars are visiting your relationship zone, so there are plenty of people around who are happy to help. All you have to do is sum up the courage to ask. On Friday too much haste could lead to an argument or accident, so pace yourself.

PISCES [Feb 20-March 20]

With the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars visiting your job zone, dynamic and decisive action is required at work. Don’t waste your numerous talents with constant daydreaming that leads nowhere! If you procrastinate and dither around, then lucrative opportunities and important connections will promptly pass you by. On Thursday you’ll feel compelled to connect with your inner world or help someone in need, as the Full Moon fires up your spiritual and humanitarian zone.

About The Author

Joanne Madeline Moore has a special connection with India, as her grandfather was born in Lucknow. She has been a professional astrologer and writer for over 20 years. Her horoscope columns are currently published in over 40 newspapers and magazines [and on websites] in Canada, England, Japan, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific. You can also read her daily, weekly and yearly horoscopes [and her astrology blog] on her website at

COPYRIGHT: Joanne Madeline Moore 2019

Editor’s Note: These predictions are based on our popular weekly Astro column by global writer Joanne Madeline Moore NewsMobile which is carried out by many global publications based on author’s own understanding of the issue. Readers are free to make their own judgement on these claims.


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