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Your Weekly Astro Prediction


The thrilling weekend finally comes to an end and a busy week is ahead so let’s see what stars have stored in for you in your weekly Astro prediction by the World-renowned Astro writer Joanne Madeline Moore.

Weekly Astro Prediction, Joanne Madeline, News Mobile, News Mobile India, Stars, Weekend, Prediction

Horoscope [December 30-January 5, 2020]

ARIES [March 20-April 20]

When it comes to your career, study or volunteer work, keep on keeping on. If you put in
100% care and commitment (plus handle colleagues, class mates, clients and/or
customers with extra tact and patience) then you’ll slowly reap the rewards. With
Mercury, Venus and Mars activating your aspirations zones, focus on formulating
fabulous new goals for the future. Be inspired by birthday great Dolly Parton “I wake up
with new dreams every day.”

TAURUS [April 21-May 21]

Don’t be a bashful, paddock-bound Bull! The planets activate your adventure zone, so
2020 is the year to extend your circle of influence and see what’s happening in the big
wide world. Beautiful and bountiful foreign shores beckon! The Sun, Saturn and Pluto
push you to expand your connections from local to global, via travel and/or the internet.
This won’t be easy and you’ll encounter some hurdles along the way. But – with passion
and persistence – the benefits will come.

GEMINI [May 22-June 21]

Sonam Kapoor shines in nude gown at Cannes 2018

Your ruler Mercury moves into Aquarius, which encourages creative thinking as you
explore some innovative new ideas. With Mars firing up your relationship zone, it’s also
time to be proactive about patching up partnership problems (whether of the romantic,
platonic or business variety). But – under the influence of Saturn and Pluto – solutions
will take a while to work and (in the meantime) you’ll have to be doubly diplomatic and
uncharacteristically patient.

CANCER [June 22-July 23]

MS Dhoni, T20, squad, West Indies, Australia, Cricket, Sports, NewsMobile, Mobile, News, India

Saturn and Pluto pour on the pressure, so close partnerships will be a veritable minefield
this week. And a tricky relationship (at home or work) will particularly test your patience
and diplomatic skills. Trying to patch up a problem or rush a resolution won’t help.
You’ll just have to pace yourself and be extra tolerant, perceptive and understanding. The
more energy you put into helping other people (and viewing situations from their
perspective) the better the week will be.

LEO [July 24-Aug 23]

Expect a stop/start kind of week. Saturn and Pluto push you to complete your to-do list
and think things through. Whereas Uranus urges you to take a calculated risk, as you stir
things up via a professional pitch, a career change, a romantic detour or an innovative
joint venture. Attached Leo – get talking and collaborating with your partner. Take the
time to find out what they are thinking and how they are feeling. If you’re a single Lion
looking for love – now’s the time to pounce!

VIRGO [Aug 24-Sep 23]

Friendships look frustrating, as things move at a snail’s pace … or even slide backwards!
Persistence and determination will win out in the end. Attached Virgos – have the
confidence to give your partner plenty of personal space. Singles – don’t confuse lust with love. Look for long-term satisfaction with someone who you can have a decent
conversation with. Mercury is moving through Aquarius (from Thursday until February
3) so it’s time to think outside the box.

LIBRA [Sep 24-Oct 23]

Wednesday is wonderful for a quick catch-up with a friend or a spontaneous adventure
with your partner. With Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in your home zone, expect big domestic
changes in 2020. Some Librans will move or renovate; while others travel (or relocate)
overseas. Don’t be in too much of a rush though … make sure you do all the research and
planning that’s required” As birthday great Benjamin Franklin wrote “By failing to
prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

SCORPIO [Oct 24-Nov 22]

Prepare for a complicated week as the Sun pairs up with Pluto (your power planet) and
the intensity amps up. It’s a good time to contribute your substantial Scorpio talents to a
worthy cause within your local community. But Saturn saps confidence on Monday,
when your energy is curbed and others criticise your performance in some way. And be
extra careful what you say to a sensitive loved one on Saturday. Plenty of patience (and a
strong sense of self) will see you through.

SAGITTARIUS [Nov 23-Dec 21]

John Abraham teases fans with 'Batla House' look

Speedy Sagittarians love starting projects but often lack follow-through. So you can miss
the Success Boat because you are rushing around too much and rarely finish things. But
this week proactive Mars is visiting your sign, plus there are five planets moving through
practical Capricorn. So it’s the perfect time to finish an ambitious project with a fiery
flourish! Be inspired by birthday great, politician and writer Benjamin Franklin. “Energy
and persistence conquer all things.”

CAPRICORN [Dec 22-Jan 20]

You’ve got the power this week Capricorn … just make sure you use it wisely. Trying to
coerce or control others could lead to problems, so step back and reassess the situation.
The more you try to assert your authority (especially with loved ones) the more
unpredictable the week will be. Remember – you can’t be the boss all the time. So strive
to be more democratic! Do your best to use your strong energy to influence people in
subtle, sensitive and smart ways.

AQUARIUS [Jan 21-Feb 19]

Wednesday’s Venus/Uranus connection will liven up your social life in unexpected ways.
And with Mercury moving into your sign (from Thursday until February 3) you’ll be at
your clever and quirky Aquarian best. But it’s not all about you! Five planets are
currently highlighting your humanitarian and helping zone. So your motto for the
moment is from Capricorn birthday great, Muhammad Ali. “Service to others is the rent
you pay for your room here on earth.”

PISCES [Feb 20-March 20]

Dynamic Mars is marching through your reputation zone (until February 16) which will
help you become as motivated and proactive as a Piscean can possibly be. It also allows
you to draw on (and display) deep inner reserves of strength, bravery and fortitude that
you sometimes forget exist. Draw extra inspiration from the writer A. A. Milne (who was
born on January 18, 1882). “You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem,
and smarter than you think”.

About The Author

Joanne Madeline Moore has a special connection with India, as her grandfather was born in Lucknow. She has been a professional astrologer and writer for over 20 years. Her horoscope columns are currently published in over 40 newspapers and magazines [and on websites] in Canada, England, Japan, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific. You can also read her daily, weekly and yearly horoscopes [and her astrology blog] on her website at

COPYRIGHT: Joanne Madeline Moore 2019

Editor’s Note: These predictions are based on our popular weekly Astro column by global writer Joanne Madeline Moore NewsMobile which is carried out by many global publications based on the author’s own understanding of the issue. Readers are free to make their own judgement on these claims.

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