Your Weekly Astro Prediction


The thrilling weekend finally comes to an end and a busy week is ahead so let’s see what stars have stored in for you in your weekly Astro prediction by the World renowned Astro writer Joanne Madeline Moore.

Horoscope (January 15, 2018 – January 21, 2018)

ARIES [March 21-April 20]

Eager Rams love starting projects but often lack follow-through. So you can miss the Career Success Boat because you are rushing around too much and rarely finish things. But this week there are six planets moving through Capricorn (in your career zone) and Jupiter sextiles Pluto. So it’s the perfect time to finish an ambitious project with a fiery flourish! Be inspired by birthday great, politician and writer Benjamin Franklin. “Energy and persistence conquer all things.”

TAURUS [April 21-May 21]

Lady Luck is on your side and friendships are particularly favoured, as you link up with pals from home and far away. You’re in the mood to help a loved one through a rough patch or cheer up a work colleague who is down-in-the-dumps. Relationships, joint ventures, education, commerce, travel and international business will all benefit from the Jupiter-Pluto connection. And the week will go particularly well if you share your good luck and generosity with those around you.

GEMINI [May 22-June 21]

Good fortune is heading your way in the form of a creative joint venture, a business partnership, a bonus or a gift. Tuesday night’s New Moon heralds a fresh financial or sexual chapter. So smart Twins will initiate a strategic savings or investment plan; attract a new love interest, or reboot a stale relationship. And 2018 is the perfect year to study, research and investigate. As birthday great Benjamin Franklin wrote “An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest”.

CANCER [June 22-July 23]

Partnerships (of the romantic and platonic variety) receive a welcome boost on Tuesday, when Jupiter and Pluto increase optimism and help you reform a rickety relationship that’s been experiencing problems. Setting positive new patterns of behaviour sees the union move to a deeper, more stable and more satisfying level in 2018. Then Venus visits your ‘money-from-others’ zone (from Thursday until February 10). So many Crabs will benefit from a gift, bonus or boost to business.

LEO [July 24-Aug 23]

You’re keen to make personal and professional connections, as Jupiter and Pluto highlight your family and work zones. So it’s a wonderful week to initiate ideas and create waves within your circle of influence. Attached Leo – with the Sun and Venus visiting your relationship zone, get talking and collaborating with your partner. Take the time to find out what they are thinking and how they are feeling. If you’re a single Lion looking for love – now’s the time to pounce!

VIRGO [Aug 24-Sep 23]

Jupiter and Pluto encourage you to reach out and help others, both within your circle of family and friends and within your local neighbourhood. You’ll find the close community connections you foster now will prove beneficial in the future. But steer clear of negative thinkers! Make sure the people around you are a powerful influence in positive ways. Don’t be too logical and rational on the weekend. Utilise your imagination, as you connect creative dots and brainstorm ideas.

LIBRA [Sep 24-Oct 23]

The Jupiter/Pluto connection is fabulous for finances and domestic life. For some lucky Librans, an ambitious idea is set to boost your bank balance. Others will commence an exciting new chapter involving home or family. Which could include renovating, relocating or welcoming an additional family member. Then Venus and the Sun shift into your creativity zone. So it’s time to express yourself as you write, act, dance, draw, paint, perform, play music or sing up a storm.

SCORPIO [Oct 24-Nov 22]

This week’s auspicious Jupiter/Pluto aspect encourages you to broaden your horizons, expand your circle of influence, and make positive changes (personally plus within your local community and further afield). Jupiter (in Scorpio) also motivates you to be much more adventurous with the way you look, and the personal projects you take on. Draw inspiration from actress, writer and producer Geena Davis (born on January 21). “If you risk nothing, then you risk everything.”

SAGITTARIUS [Nov 23-Dec 21]

Are you ready, willing and able to capitalise on good luck? This week (courtesy of Tuesday’s terrific Jupiter/Pluto connection) you’ll be given the opportunity to lead and/or influence those around you. Others are looking for you to come up with the goods so get organised and don’t disappoint! Then the Sun and Venus shift into your social networking zone. So get busy and boost your social media presence as you talk, text, tweet, podcast and post away.

CAPRICORN [Dec 22-Jan 20]

Saturn and Pluto are both transiting through your sign, which amplifies your drive and ambition. But these powerful planets also rev up your ruthless side, which can alienate you from others. This week the lucky Jupiter/Pluto link gives you a welcome boost as you charm family members, win professional friends and influence important people. And have you been worrying about money? Venus shifts into your cash zone, which is good news for financial matters.

 AQUARIUS [Jan 21-Feb 19]

Tuesday’s Jupiter-Pluto connection will help to transform your career in positive and powerful ways. And with the Sun and Venus shifting into your sign (on Thursday and Saturday) you’ll be at your attractive and amiable Aquarian best. But it’s not all about you! Six planets (including the New Moon) highlight your humanitarian zone. So your motto for the moment is from birthday great, Muhammad Ali. “Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.”

PISCES [Feb 20-March 20]

Prosperous Jupiter and strategic Pluto help you to prioritise your current commitments and plan your long-term goals for the future. If you work out a firm direction forward, then financial luck is waiting in the wings via a new job, client, promotion or bonus. Your involvement with a group, club or organisation has others looking to you for extra inspiration. So use your networking skills to drum up support, and don’t be afraid to ask others for assistance when you need it.

About The Author

Joanne Madeline Moore has a special connection with India, as her grandfather was born in Lucknow. She has been a professional astrologer and writer for over 20 years. Her horoscope columns are currently published in over 40 newspapers and magazines [and on websites] in Canada, England, Japan, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific. You can also read her daily, weekly and yearly horoscopes [and her astrology blog] on her website at

COPYRIGHT: Joanne Madeline Moore 2017


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