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Writing Workshop with Natasha Badhwar, author of ‘My Daughters Mum’; a review


GurgaonMoms in association with Juggernaut, organised a writing workshop on the 4th of August 2018, with acclaimed author Natasha Badhwar who’s first book, My Daughters Mum, is receiving rave reviews. NewsMobile was the official digital partner for the event.

The event was beautifully crafted and saw about 30 women in audience.  Ample participation, free flow of thoughts and the instant connection that the group felt with the topic at hand, were yardsticks that determined the success.

Natasha spoke about her own inhibitions when she had to write a book. The highlight was the group activity around understanding and overcoming inhibitions, which was an eye opener for most. Nuances of breaking the ‘fear’ barrier and transcending hiccups was the takeaway that most went back with.

In today’s world, the first step in finding a solution, is to be able to articulate what the real problem is. Much can be achieved by listing down our creative desires and then diagnosing the fears that stop us from achieving them. Much like her book, Natasha displayed immense honesty with which she conducted the talk.

There are books and then there are more, but some manuscripts just stand out. Not just for the characterisation, the pull or the nudge they give, but, for the honesty with which they are curated. Natasha’s book, My Daughters Mum, is one such. Sincerity and truthfulness tickle, with each page turned. The warmth with which personal anecdotes – some pleasant and some not so pleasant – are scripted, make you want to believe every word.

More than a gifted writer, Natasha stands out as a passionate mother. There is nothing like an enviable plot or a thriller embedded here. There are no bollywoodish twists and turns to the script and there are, thankfully, no villains and vamps – but then, that IS the USP of this book.

It is as everyday as our lives. As mundane, routine yet full of colourful jaunts. It has the road trip to the father’s village to the first haircut to the daughter’s naïve questions to the tit bits reflective of a husband wife relationship. In short, it has the connection of normalcy which attracts the reader to this book.

Set against the backdrop of her career as a journalist, the book lures us with instances of the Hindu Muslim divide or rather (un)divide, to the political and social vendetta prevalent till a few years back. Yet, in the forefront, it threads together her emotional journey as a mother, a wife, a daughter in law, a daughter and a career woman. The multi-hued ‘khichdi’ that brews at large in most households! The experiential summaries and the handwritten notes that start every chapter, provide the vulnerabilities of these different layers. A peak into the world we create for ourselves yet hesitate in protecting.

Another aspect which helps the book achieve its medal, is the character portrayal of each of the three girls. The distinctiveness in siblings is brought about beautifully and carefully. Most parents would be able to connect to this.

Towards the end of the book, the volatile subject of inter religion marriage and the burden it unknowingly gets from the society is delicately dealt with.

As you turn the pages, the memoir steadily charms its way into the readers heart. Natasha Badhwar animates the emotional side of human adventures, flawlessly. A journey as next door, yet, so personal.



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