Hungry for Homicide? Four spine chilling serial killers, who will be more than you can stomach..


You can never be too careful, because behind those misleading twinkling eyes, warm smiles and charismatic personas, are minds  of satanic construct. With an eye for detail, and usually an above average  IQ, these serial killers duped the law enforcement for ages  before finally getting caught. These savages satisfied their blood thirst, and hunger for the feeling of empowerment, by torturing their multiple victims before killing them off without a trace of remorse. With nightmarish killings, cannibalism and torture in their unending murderous resumes, here are a few people you won’t be able to forget-

1.The Giggling Granny


Don’t let the tiny crinkles near her eyes, or her telling-stories-near-the-fire-place-grandmother, jolly exterior, fool you. Unlike the typical old women who are always extra- eager to spend time with their families, Nannie doss seemed to have had enough of them.

Between the years 1920s and 1954, our sinister grandma killed at least eleven members of her family including  four husbands, two children, her two sisters, her mother, a grandson, and a mother-in-law.

From sticking a hairpin in the head of her baby grandchild, to poisoning her husbands with arsenic and rat poison and burning one of her husband’s house down, it was theorized that she did all this for the insurance money and financial benefit. However  Nannie said to her interrogators. “I was searching for the perfect mate, the real romance of life.” Didn’t see that coming? Me neither.

Sam Doss, her fifth husband, was her last victim . It is alleged that she had poisoned him enough to need a visit to the hospital, but she had failed to kill him. When the doctors decided that he was stable, he was allowed to leave. The next day he died. The doctors grew suspicious as it was highly unlikely that it was due to a natural cause because they had just checked him out. It was found that he had been poisoned with enough arsenic to kill 20 men. The circumstances pointed to our giggling granny. Once they knew she had killed him they knew who had killed the rest.

She earned the title the giggling granny as she often joked about her husband’s deaths with the press, and is said to have been smiling or “giggling” as she made her confession and was tried.

2. Jack the Ripper


Not very difficult to guess where his name came from, is it? Jack the Ripper literally slashed and hacked his victims after killing them, leaving them  “ripped”. Jack the Ripper, who  was also called ‘ leather apron’, terrorized  the streets and slums of the district White chapel, and its surrounding areas , which was then the underbelly of the city of London during the Victorian era.

But the most intriguing part of this case as that no one knew the identity of the killer. This man who killed female prostitutes, in the comfort of darkness, by slitting their necks and abdomens and mutilated them, often gauging out their internal organs.( he allegedly sent a letter to the police which also enclosed a single human kidney), remains to this day unidentified.

Due to the gore of his killings and the media’s increased attempts to build this into a big story,  the name Jack the Ripper, became really famous, or well infamous . He became the new bogeyman, the reason children went to bed early or ate their food

There were many speculations regarding our mystery man’s identity. Some people thought it was a local sergeant, others thought it was a violent unstable youth, while many others suspected him to be Queen Victoria’s grandson the Duke of Clarence and is that for a royal scandal?


  1. Ahmad Suradiji


What do you think this self-proclaimed black magic master’s favourite beverage was? If you guessed blood, well that would be infinitely more palatable.

Inspired by a dream that featured his deceased father, he set on a path for acquiring great power and ultimate magical prowess. Problem? It required him to kill seventy females and to then consume their saliva.

Our power hungry (and saliva thirsty)  sorcerer lived just outside of Medan in Indonesia, where many women would visit him seeking spiritual guidance and help in matters relating to health and finance.  As a Dukun, or Shaman, the people of Indonesia put great faith in him and his abilities to use black magic and solve everyone’s problems.

Between the years of 1986 – 1997, Suradji would lead the woman and girls out to a sugar cane factory on the outskirts of Medan, and bury them up to their waists in the ground, assuring them that it was a part of a ritual, before strangling them with a cord. Once they stopped breathing, he  would strip the bodies of the women naked and bury them facing in the direction of his house. It was reported that he would also keep his victims valuables and possessions . And of course, he would savour their saliva.

Fortunately for the Indonesian people, he was caught before he was able to complete the task of killing seventy young women, and got caught when the body of his confirmed victim number forty-two , later identified as Sri Kemala Dewi was found by a local at the factory. His saliva drinking days effectively came to an end and he was sentenced to death by firing squad and executed on 10 July 2008.

4. H.H Holmes


“I was born with the Devil inside of me” he said. Well after uncovering his master plans for his murder castle (see: Human slaughter house) and learning of the decaying cadavers he stole and dismembered, it was slightly hard to disagree.

In his early days while he was still enrolled in the medicine and surgery department of the University of Michigan, he also simultaneously worked at the anatomy lab as the then chief anatomy demonstrator. It was widely speculated  by the students, that some of the corpses may have been illegally acquired.

Later, he was accused of stripping corpses of their flesh, dissecting them and preparing usable skeletons, to be used for the study of medical sciences. The useless remains would then be tossed into lime or acid- disintegrating all the meaty evidence.


In 1893, Holmes bought property that he would go on to develop into a hotel, primarily used to murder people. Holmes maintained absolute secrecy with regards to the hotel’s true purpose. The  blueprints of the castle, included  fifty one staircases leading to walls, hundred windowless sound proofed rooms, body-sized chutes leading to an incinerator which meant that most ‘guests’ would never check out.






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