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Why January 2 is divorce day of the year


London: Relationships counselors have revealed that January 2 is the “Divorce Day”, as it has been found that on this day, most couples in troubled marriages finally decide to call it quits.

According to experts, after months, or even years, of thinking about it, the tension of a fraught Christmas is often the catalyst for relationship breakdowns and the start of the New Year brings these underlying problems to the surface and couples make their final decision to part, reportedly.

A support charity called OnePlusOne has revealed that in their survey, of the six in 10 people who admitted having relationship problems, a quarter never sought help, while of those who did, 23% confided in friends, 16% in family members and 7% sought advice on the internet.

However, it was also found that only 4% turned to a professional therapist or counselor and just 3% went to a support service staffed by trained experts.

Penny Mansfield CBE, director of the charity, said that people rarely decide to separate or divorce suddenly. Often they’ve been thinking about it for months, if not years and seeking help at an earlier stage – when the first thoughts about separation creep in – can be the first step in resolving problems and make the likelihood of splitting up less likely.



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