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Your Luck This Week


We need not tell you that daily life, much like the universe itself, is full of esoteric mysteries and questions that seem to have no answers. But we are here to unlock the secrets of the heavenly bodies. From love to friendship to career and wellness goals. NewsMobile shows you what the stars have in store for you.


If you’ve been trying to compress your feelings for someone who will never return them in kind, you could hit your breaking point. Move away from these unfulfilling unions before they steal your soul. If it’s time to break free, you won’t be sad for long. Don’t feel that you need to turn every small story into a major headline. There’s no need to exaggerate the truth just to get more attention. Take a more reserved approach to your actions and reactions to all situations.

Avoid: You will experience the ecstasy of love, but try to avoid arguments as much as possible. 

Lucky Colour: Red

Lucky Number: 7

Lucky Day: Monday



This is an important time for you to let go of your shyness and open up to the world. You may find that there’s a sober tone to your emotions, but you can overcome this easily as long as you keep your chin up. There’s no reason for you to be low. You cannot see the truth clearly, and others are not able to see you clearly either. Being aware of this strange shield will help you break out of it. Going with the new guy may be appealing, but it isn’t the right move for this time in your life.

Avoid: Don’t let your family be disappointed. You need to behave very nicely with your loved ones.

Lucky Colour: Black

Lucky Number: 1

Lucky Day: Friday



Make room for love this week. You’ll have no trouble in finding your mate. However, there are exceptions to how far you take these gestures. Please don’t go out of your way to ‘make nice’ in personal situations. This week you will be reconnecting with people from your past and getting introduced to new people. No matter what you do for a living, you’re being shoved onstage to deliver your unique message.  You can do no wrong now. Take advantage of it personally and financially.

Avoid: In the mid of the week, come out of confusions and try to fix your domestic problems. 

Lucky Colour: Purple

Lucky Number: 5

Lucky Day: Thursday



The week is coming with mixed results for you. Starting of the week will be full of expenditures. You will have to be extra cautious for your speech during this time. Push yourself to dress up and join friends for after-work drinks.  This week paint an enchanting picture of the future you like to create. Make it so compelling that anyone who turns you down is an obvious fool.  Build your own future. Don’t be dependable on anyone. You are the best, don’t forget. Put away your self-doubt and be more proactive in your approach to everything you encounter.

Avoid:  Try to avoid taking any decision with the influence of some other person.

Lucky Colour: Light Blue

Lucky Number: 2

Lucky Day: Thursday



Starting days of the week are positive for you. Your loved ones will stand by you during this time. Self-confidence will stay high. Tensions related to children or education will also decrease away. You enjoy a strong foundation due to the important people in your life. They understand if you need to spend a bit more on your education now. This week you will discover more about how you communicate with the person closest to you. Allow yourself to say what you are feeling, and don’t pretend otherwise.

Avoid: Stay cautious in everything at the weekend. Think twice before taking any decision.

Lucky Colour: Maroon

Lucky Number: 6

Lucky Day: Tuesday



 Expenditures may stay high in the beginning of the week. Some restlessness may also stay in mind, but things will get better in the mid of the week. Digging your heels in over a smaller issue might give you a sense of control but it could also damage the relationship. Choose your battles.  Be more assertive about taking on assignments, getting contracts signed or closing deals. Time is money. Its a good week for quietly confirming your emotional truths, Virgo, away from anybody and everybody, you have the right to decide for yourself. 

Avoid: Be cautious in financial matters.

Lucky Colour: White

Lucky Number: 4

Lucky Day: Saturday



Starting of the week will give happiness and will get the support of your seniors. You will find yourself focusing on exploring your feelings, and to be honest expressing them. If you can be accurate, you have much to look forward to. You may find yourself growing more involved in a relationship with someone you care about, and this piece will greatly enhance your ability to approach matters of sensuality with openness.

Avoid:  Avoid long tours for this week.

Lucky Colour: Green

Lucky Number: 8

Lucky Day: Friday



This week, your hard work will pay quite well in the beginning. You will overcome whatever you will pick, you will come out with flying colors. These days money is coming so fast that you may need a new plan for saving and investing. Those around you will be encouraged to spend some time alone to consider their direction and future moves. Give them time and space, they will come back to you, for sure. You will get mixed results in the mid of the week.

Avoid: Don’t take anything or anyone for granted.

Lucky Colour: Brown

Lucky Number: 1

Lucky Day: Thursday



In general, the week will be positive. If you get any chance to be the part of any religious or social work, do it. You will see success everywhere by the grace of your elders’ blessings. Mid of the week will be quite awesome.  When you have something to say, speak honestly from your heart. This will clear the air and create the way for a fresh start.  The only angle from which to ‘play it safe’ is the economic one, in other words, don’t risk your financial security just to make a point. Besides that, speak out freely.

Avoid: Weekend could be a little weak comparatively, take it lightly.

Lucky Colour: Red

Lucky Number: 4

Lucky Day: Sunday



In the beginning of the week, you will have to work quite cautiously as well as intelligently. Though there is no need to take tension, but there is always a scope of betterment.  You may feel fearful of speaking your mind, and yet if you can open your heart and reach through these barriers, you will discover that something quite beautiful can happen. Give it a chance. The good news is that there are favorable aspects, too. Its your friends, social contacts, acquaintances, and colleagues who will support your efforts at work and in your money life. 

Avoid: Take good care of your health this week.

Lucky Colour: Pink

Lucky Number: 8

Lucky Day: Wednesday



This week will give you mixed results. You will get positive results in the beginning. Married life will be happy. If you are doing something in partnership, there are good chances of better work, keep doing the hard work. But one aspect demands that you need to spend some more time taking responsibility for important planning. Put in the work now to build what you will need in the future. Your emotions may be hard to control. Get rid of excess energy by working out at the gym or going on a long walk. 

Avoid: It won’t be good to join any argument during this time, but you will start getting good results from the weekend.

Lucky Colour: All shades of Blue

Lucky Number: 5

Lucky Day: Saturday



You will do a lot of hard work in the beginning of the week. You will seem to be going forward from others during this time. You will stay enthusiastic; and eventually it will result in amazing results.  As you’re sorting through new employment offers and chances to earn extra money on the side, don’t forget about planning your career. You may also realize that you need to cut ties with a certain crowd, or at least pull back from them, big-time.  In the end things will be definitely in your favor.

Avoid: Don’t be rude to anyone. Try to handle things easily.

Lucky Colour: Orange

Lucky Number: 2

Lucky Day: Sunday



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