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Crowd hisses, boos at Ivanka Trump when she defends her dad


When Ivanka Trump defended her father at a women’s panel in Berlin, the crowd’s reaction was quite chilly as it started hissing and booing at her leading to some awkwardness on part of Ivanka.

The panel had started with Ivanka explaining her role in the White House. The moderator opened the event with a question to Ivanka. Miriam Meckel, editor of a German business magazine, Wirtschaftswoche, asked her: “You are first daughter — German audience not familiar — what is your role — to whom are you represented? Your father, the American people, or your business?

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Ivanka responsed: “Well, certainly not the latter, and I am rather unfamiliar with this role as well, as it is quite new to me.” Ivanka works as a top advisor to her father. “It has been a little under 100 days, but it is just been a remarkable, an incredible journey. So it’s very early for me. I’m listening, I’m learning, I’m defining the ways in which I think I’ll be able to have impact.”

And when Ivanka started talking about paid leave in America and started describing her father as an advocate for women, the audience interrupted her with hissing and boos.

“That is something I’m very proud of my father’s advocacy, long before he came into the presidency, he championed this in the primaries. He’s been a tremendous champion of supporting families and enabling them to thrive.” As soon as Ivanka uttered these words, the audience wasn’t very pleased.

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Then Meckel interrupted and asked Ivanka to respond to those who question if Trump is an ’empower of women’ given his controversial and derogatory remarks about women.

Mustering up courage, Ivanka said,”I’ve certainly heard the criticism from the media and that’s been perpetuated, but I know from personal experience, and I think the thousands of women who have worked with and for my father for decades when he was in the private sector are a testament to his belief and solid conviction in the potential of women and their ability to do the job as well as any man.”

Watch the video below to see Ivanka Trump’s reaction when the crowd booed her:


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