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Malaysian military claims missing airline traced


Beijing: Malaysia’s military believes it tracked the missing Malaysian airline by radar over the Strait of Malacca. The breakthrough revelation claims the jetliners is far from where it last made contact with civilian air traffic control off the country’s east coast, according to media reports.

Reports have also come in of the identity of the two passengers travelling on stolen passports. The two men identified as Pouri Nourmohammadi, 19, and Delavar Seyedmohammaderza, 29 were reportedly planning on seeking asylum.

Interpol has released an image showing the two Iranian men boarding a plane at the same time. Secretary-general Ronald K. Noble said the two men travelled to Malaysia on their Iranian passports, then switched to the stolen Austrian and Italian documents. Noble said recent information about the men made terrorism a less likely cause of the plane’s disappearance.




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