Five influential people who don’t exist in the real world


We have done many lists of people and things that have had a great influence on man, so today we are presenting another list of influential people – but this time, they are people who never existed.

Santa Claus

lighten bag

What child has not been frightened into behaving thanks to the ever-present youthful fear of Santa not providing come Christmas? Almost all western children were told by their parents that Santa would leave them nothing if they misbehaved.

That is what people used to believe until they grew up. But if we track back this man to see who the actual Santa was, we’ll get to no one because there was never a real concept behind this Santa man. There is also no concept of the Santa in Christianity.



The Barbie, which is a fictional character in its roots, is featured in multiple English movies, and is a source of inspiration and a role model for major teenage girls. There is no real Barbie that ever existed.

Barbie is among the top characters who have influenced girls the most and was invented by Ruth Handler in 1959.

Robin Hood


Legend has it that Robin Hood was an outlaw living in Sherwood Forest with his ‘Merry Men’ – but did he really exist?

Despite the hundreds of tales dedicated to Robin Hood not one tells us who he was. Robin, or Robert, is one of the most common medieval names. Hood is also a fairly common last name, especially in Yorkshire, where many Robin Hood stories are set.

Whether he was real or not, Robin Hood is a legendary figure. He lives on in hundreds of tales and Ballads that are dedicated to his adventures as an outlaw who “Robbed the Rich to Feed the Poor”.

Jack Dawson


We know Jack Dawson from the Titanic, but did he really exist? There have been no records of him even being on the ship that night, though it is possible that he secretly snuck abroad. Rose DeWitt Bukater and Jack Dawson are fictional characters created by James Cameron.

There was a man named J Dawson who died aboard the Titanic, but James Cameron did not know that he existed until after he wrote the Titanic screenplay.

He did not base the Jack character on this J Dawson person. The man’s gravestone bears the inscription “J. Dawson,” and no one knows what the “J” stands for. Some people believe it was Joseph or James. But who really knows? J. Dawson could have been “Jack Dawson”.

Uncle Sam


Uncle Sam (U.S) is no real man but a symbolization of the United States which was created by the American Soldiers in the war of 1812 in which they would receive meat packets labelled ‘Samuel Wilson from Troy’.

So the ‘Sam’ comes from ‘Samuel’ and ‘Uncle’ was just added up by the soldiers.

Uncle Sam was then identified as the powerful government of US.


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