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Setting AC temperature at 24 degrees will save energy, budget: RK Singh


Arrah: Standing by his previous comment of setting Air conditioner temperature at 24 degrees Celsius, Union Power Minister RK Singh on Sunday said that this will save both energy and budget.

ALSO READ: Power ministry to consider making 24 degrees Celsius as default setting…

“When the temperature for the air conditioner is set at 24 degree Celsius as compared to 18, 36 per cent electricity is saved. It is good for health and budget. The Air Conditioner manufacturers are happy with the step. Default temperature setting for air conditioners to be set at 24 degree Celsius,” Singh told the media.

Meanwhile, the Twitter seems to be divided on the said approach as few people criticised the move other blamed the media for presently the report incorrectly.

A Twitter user, Rohit Pradhan said that default setting means nothing as long as people can change it to desirable temperatures and it is good to educate people on optimum settings.
“So much of outrage is because of bad reporting: default setting for AC means nothing as long as people can change it to desired temperatures. In fact, seems like another of those meaningless gestures. Educating people on optimum settings OTH is a good idea,” Rohit said.

Earlier on Saturday, the Power Ministry advised AC manufacturers to set the default setting in air conditioning at a temperature of 24 degree Celsius.

This comes as a measure to promote energy efficiency in the air-conditioning areas.
Speaking at the launch of the campaign, Union Power Minister RK Singh said “Every one-degree increase in the air-conditioner temperature setting results in saving of 6 per cent of electricity consumed. Normal human body temperature is approximately 36-37 degree Celsius, but a large number of commercial establishments, hotels and offices maintain a temperature around 18-21 degree Celsius. This is not only uncomfortable but is actually unhealthy.

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Setting the temperature in the range of 18-21 degree Celsius compels people to wear warm clothing or use blankets; therefore, this is actually wastage of energy. Some countries like Japan have put in place regulation to keep the temperature at 28 degree Celsius”.

Therefore, under the guidance of Ministry of Power, the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) has carried out a study and has recommended that the default setting in the air-conditioning should be at 24 degree Celsius.


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