Your Weekly Astro Prediction


The thrilling weekend finally comes to an end and a busy week is ahead so let’s see what stars have stored in for you in your weekly Astro prediction by the World-renowned Astro writer Joanne Madeline Moore.

Horoscope (July 15, 2019 – July 21, 2019)

ARIES [March 20-April 20]

Resist the overwhelming urge to be an impulsive and impetuous Ram! Under the influence of retrograde Mercury, the Lunar Eclipse and Saturn, you need to apply the brakes and think before you speak and act. Otherwise you could upset others with your hasty words and reckless actions. When it comes to your career ambitions, the main quality you need to cultivate at the moment is patience. So your motto for the week is “Good things come to those who wait.”

TAURUS [April 21-May 21]

You’re keen to exercise your Bullish brain as you talk, text, tweet, post, publish and converse as creatively as possible. But (courtesy of retro Mercury) it’s not a good week to host a jolly family reunion or bring up sensitive childhood issues. Venus and Neptune encourage you to forgive transgressions from the past and stop worrying about the future. Focus on enjoying the here and now! Be inspired by birthday great Carlos Santana “The present is where everything begins.”

GEMINI [May 22-June 21]

Sonam Kapoor shines in nude gown at Cannes 2018

Tuesday night’s Lunar Eclipse shines a bright spotlight on money, business, property and investments. So make sure they are all in practical order. But with Mercury retrograde, communication looks strained so be careful you’re not drawn into an argument, either in person or online. And don’t allow someone to persuade you to do something against your better judgment. Have the common sense (which is actually not so common!) to stand your ground and say no.

CANCER [June 22-July 23]

MS Dhoni, T20, squad, West Indies, Australia, Cricket, Sports, NewsMobile, Mobile, News, India

The Sun and Venus are both visiting Cancer, so look for a creative project that you can really sink your teeth into. And don’t let relationship responsibilities get you down, as the Lunar Eclipse amplifies current problems. Attached Crabs … build bridges as you work through sensitive issues in a careful and caring way. Singles … don’t waste your precious time on a part-time partner. Look for a lover who is ready to commit to a long-term union. They will be well worth the wait.

LEO [July 24-Aug 23]

Are you sick and tired of being perpetually busy? Have you been feeling like a lacklustre Lion, with too many activities crammed into your timetable? Do your best to avoid extra work functions and social events over the next few weeks. With Mercury reversing into your solitude zone, you’ll find sleep, rest and relaxation are just what the doctor ordered. Heed the wise words of birthday great Arianna Huffington. “Sleep gives us a chance to refocus on the essence of who we are.”

VIRGO [Aug 24-Sep 23]

You prefer things to run in an efficient fashion but there’s a loopy Lunar Eclipse, so drop the strict schedule and take things as they come. Your very private Virgo nature is also emphasised, as Mercury reverses through your seclusion and friendship zones. So make it a priority to connect with like-minded folk who understand your peccadillos and strong need for discretion. A loved one will be super moody on Sunday, so don’t even try to work out where they are coming from.

LIBRA [Sep 24-Oct 23]

Polite Librans are the peacemakers of the zodiac. And you’ll certainly require your stellar diplomacy skills this week, as the Lunar Eclipse lights up your home zone and you may feel as if you’re stuck in a never-ending episode of Family Feud! And with Mercury reversing into your career zone, it’s not a good week to sign a professional contract, initiate a work project or look for a new job. Thursday and Friday are fabulous for creative pursuits and romantic rendezvous.

SCORPIO [Oct 24-Nov 22]

The intensity levels ratchet up this week, as there’s a Lunar Eclipse plus Pluto opposes the Sun and Venus. Issues involving relatives, neighbours, travel, education, religion and/or social media could be particularly fraught. Jealous thoughts and possessive behaviour are also a danger. If you’re not careful, then you could find yourself embroiled in a fiery argument or a frustrating power struggle. Smart Scorps will step back, cool down, and gain some much-needed perspective.

SAGITTARIUS [Nov 23-Dec 21]

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You’re keen to expand your knowledge base, as you pick up ideas and inspiration from all corners of the globe. Sagittarians are the cosmopolitan global citizens of the zodiac, so get connecting with your international buddies ASAP! But – with retrograde Mercury and the Lunar Eclipse lighting up your $$$ zones – the next few weeks is not a good time to lend cash, borrow money or initiate a joint financial partnership. Instead, be patient and wait for a more auspicious time.

CAPRICORN [Dec 22-Jan 20]

Under the luminous glow of the Capricorn Lunar Eclipse, concentration is high this week and your attention to detail is even better than usual. So any work you do will be of an exceptionally high standard. Coupled Capricorn – keep the lines of communication open as you work on deepening the commitment between the two of you. If you are looking for lasting love, don’t accept second best. Be discriminating, as you patiently wait for the right person to come along.

AQUARIUS [Jan 21-Feb 19]

This week you’re keen to pursue creative, humanitarian or spiritual pursuits. You’ll seek out the wise counsel of a trusted mentor or play that role yourself to someone who is looking for some judicious guidance. You’re also inclined to question your inner motivations, which can be confronting. But a soulful examination of your interior life will give you the self-knowledge and confidence to let your quintessential Aquarian nature and unique talents truly shine.

PISCES [Feb 20-March 20]

If you’re involved with a class, group, club or organisation, then expect power plays or personality clashes. There could also be a problem involving a major hope or wish that you have for the future. Don’t give up on your dreams Pisces! Keep going towards your goals with gusto and perseverance. So your mantra for the moment is from birthday great Nelson Mandela. “There is no passion to be found playing small … in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”

About The Author

Joanne Madeline Moore has a special connection with India, as her grandfather was born in Lucknow. She has been a professional astrologer and writer for over 20 years. Her horoscope columns are currently published in over 40 newspapers and magazines [and on websites] in Canada, England, Japan, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific. You can also read her daily, weekly and yearly horoscopes [and her astrology blog] on her website at

COPYRIGHT: Joanne Madeline Moore 2019

Editor’s Note: These predictions are based on our popular weekly Astro column by global writer Joanne Madeline Moore NewsMobile which is carried out by many global publications based on author’s own understanding of the issue. Readers are free to make their own judgement on these claims.


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