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Your Weekly Astro Prediction


The thrilling weekend finally comes to an end and a busy week is ahead so let’s see what stars have stored in for you in your weekly Astro prediction by the World renowned Astro writer Joanne Madeline Moore.

Horoscope (February 12, 2018 – February 18, 2018)

ARIES [March 21-April 20]

Romance is in the air on Wednesday, but the energy is behind the scenes suggesting a private, magical Valentine’s Day. Singles – mysterious synchronicities could lead you to your soul mate. Thursday night’s Solar Eclipse encourages you to contribute your considerable talents to a group, club or organisation. On the weekend you’re keen to move ahead with an ambitious project. But are you seeing things clearly? Be careful you don’t charge off in a totally unsuitable direction.

TAURUS [April 21-May 21]

With Venus in your aspirations zone on Valentine’s Day, find a dream you can share together. “Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but of looking outward together in the same direction” (Antoine St Exupery). Don’t be complacent at work. Is it time to look for a better job or change vocation? Are you overdue for a pay rise or promotion? If you resist making changes then you’ll be left behind, as the Solar Eclipse encourages you to explore fresh professional pastures.

GEMINI [May 22-June 21]

With mighty Mars charging through your relationship zone, when it comes to love you need to be strong and brave. So your quote for Valentine’s Day is from Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu. “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” Thursday night’s Solar Eclipse activates your adventure zone. So it’s time to stimulate your mind, sate your curiosity and satisfy your restlessness via reading, learning and travelling.

CANCER [June 22-July 23]

With Saturn sauntering through your romance zone, your love life is a serious business at the moment. So your quote for Valentine’s Day is from writer William Barclay. “Love always involves responsibility, and love always involves sacrifice.” But resist the temptation to brood over love gone wrong. The Solar Eclipse signals a major shift in the areas of intimacy or money. Perhaps a rebooted relationship, a passionate new liaison or the start of an exciting financial partnership?

LEO [July 24-Aug 23]

Mick Jagger, Madonna, Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Lawrence … why are so many major entertainers also Leos? Because they relish being the centre of attention. But this week’s Solar Eclipse encourages you to share the spotlight with another person, whether it’s a lover, relative or close friend. And on Valentine’s Day, some Lions will launch a new romantic relationship (or rejuvenate an old one). Single Cats … sparks could fly with someone who is smart and oh-so-sexy.

VIRGO [Aug 24-Sep 23]

Focus your attention on your lover, as you give them the right royal romantic treatment this Valentine’s Day. Single? You could meet your soul mate via a loved one or a work colleague. If you’ve been neglecting your health, then it’s the best week of the year to swap fast food for home-cooked meals; cream buns for carrot juice; and TV marathons for power walks or gym sessions. Virgos thrive on a regular routine and a healthy lifestyle, so stop the excuses and start ASAP!

LIBRA [Sep 24-Oct 23]

Romantic Librans love to be in love, and so Valentine’s Day is very special for you. If you are single, don’t sit at home and fret about a former partner. Get out and about and do your usual thing. With Venus in your everyday routine zone, you could meet your soul mate while working, shopping or walking the dog. The Solar Eclipse energises your entertainment zone. So it’s a wonderful week to host a party, attend a concert, see a movie or go to a major sporting event.

SCORPIO [Oct 24-Nov 22]

When it comes to matters of the heart, resist the urge to be a controlling Scorpio. With Jupiter in your sign, be spontaneous and open to new possibilities. As actress Loretta Young said “Love isn’t something you find. Love is something that finds you.” It’s a good week for a domestic clean-up and de-clutter, as the Solar Eclipse highlights your home zone. So do your best to make Casa Scorpio a cocoon of calm, away from the hustle and bustle of the busy outside world.

SAGITTARIUS [Nov 23-Dec 21]

On Tuesday the planets trigger your tendency to jump to conclusions and put your foot firmly in your mouth. But before you jump in and judge others and make inappropriate comments, take a close and considered look at yourself. And then hold your tongue! You’ll have a wonderful day on Wednesday, as long as you don’t expect everything to be 100% perfect. So your Valentine’s Day quote is from fellow Sagittarian, Taylor Swift. “The perfection of love is that it’s not perfect.”

CAPRICORN [Dec 22-Jan 20]

Don’t take your partner – or potential partner – for granted! “Love doesn’t just sit there, like a stone. It has to be made like bread, remade all the time, made new” (Ursula Le Guin). With the Solar Eclipse in your cash zone, take stock of your financial situation and initiate some smart new strategies. And don’t forget to do an inventory of your inner wealth, which includes your self-esteem and core values. Remember – you are more than your job, what you earn and what you own.

 AQUARIUS [Jan 21-Feb 19]

Your quote for Valentine’s Day is from Aquarian birthday great, artist Yoko Ono. “A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.” Thursday night’s Solar Eclipse is in your sign, so you’ll be twice as much fun – and twice as much trouble. You’re feeling avant-garde and adventurous, and are keen to revamp an important area of your life. But you’ll also feel restless, reckless and rebellious as you shake loved ones out of their comfort zones.

PISCES [Feb 20-March 20]

With Venus visiting your sign on Valentine’s Day, it’s the perfect time to flutter your eyelashes (or flex your pecs) and ask for what you want. Then sit back and reap the romantic rewards. On Thursday night the Solar Eclipse energises your ‘escaping’ zone, and on Saturday Neptune squares Mars. So (if you have a problem that needs to be faced or a decision that needs to be made) resist being distracted by other people’s agendas, and side-tracked by dubious schemes.

About The Author

Joanne Madeline Moore has a special connection with India, as her grandfather was born in Lucknow. She has been a professional astrologer and writer for over 20 years. Her horoscope columns are currently published in over 40 newspapers and magazines [and on websites] in Canada, England, Japan, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific. You can also read her daily, weekly and yearly horoscopes [and her astrology blog] on her website at

COPYRIGHT: Joanne Madeline Moore 2017


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