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How to be your partners Best friend


The secret to a happy relationship is the understanding of one another. People are often frustrated with their partners, most of which stems from not being happy with little traits of the other.

Thus, many a relationship experts will say friendship should be the foundation for every couple. We look at just how couples can re-affirm this bond and become the closest of friends.




1. Make a list of what you would want in a best-friend.

– Affirm the persons best qualities.
– Listen without judging or trying to fix the issue.
– Give the benefit of the doubt.
– Extend grace day to when he/she is grumpy or having a bad day
– Remember birthdays, favourite foods, music and art.
– Spend time with together.
– Speak the truth. Always.
– Never shame, diminish, or make the other feel small.
– Be excited when he/she is excited.
– Celebrate Life!

2. Be A Friend –It takes a good friend to be a good friend. You know how you enjoy friendship with your great friends, how friendship goes. How you are yourself with them, talk about anything under the sun without fear you will be reprimanded or judged. You make up easily when there is a misunderstanding, how you tread carefully so you don’t hurt their feelings, how you stand up for and stand behind them always. Imagine if you did all these lovely things with and for your partner how things would improve in your relationship. You are a good friend so start being that to your partner.

3. Get to know Them -Try to find out how things are really going on with him/her. Be in the know about their affairs and issues. Learn to be their best confidant. Listen to opinions and find out the goals. Knowing things as they truly affect them without criticizing would draw you both closer together.

4. Stand Up For Your Partner -Being caring and protective brings trust and deepens affection. Come to their aid when you think they need it. Come to his/her defence when occasion demands for it. You will see him feel your support. Knowing you are always on and by his side will draw you both into a stronger and deeper and more meaningful relationship.

5. Be There -Learn your partner’s weaknesses, their fears etc without being judgmental. Love them for who they really are not what you can make them. Isn’t that what we do to our friends? Don’t be in a relationship because you want to change your partner into who you want him to be. That will breed unnecessary tension. You can only encourage him to be the best version of himself. Celebrate your mate’s strength and cheer him on. Always be his best fan. Be the first to get there and the last to leave when he needs you.

6. Forgive Big And Small -There is no one without flaws. Sometimes we make small slips – we forget a date, a birthday, an anniversary etc and sometimes we make really big mistakes. We are only human. To learn to forgive and start over is the sign of a great friend. It is okay to get mad but don’t let it drag for too long and affect everything. So bring forgiveness into the love relationship you have with your partner.

7. Don’t Expect Too Much -Give your partner a break. We often expect our partner to be our superman or superwoman that can get to be quite exhausting. A good way to be good friends with your partner is to let them off sometimes. Don’t over depend on them emotionally, physically, spiritually etc. If there is a problem it is better to opt to share the burden with them.

8. Be AwareTo be the best of friend with anyone, you have to be aware of their needs and their feelings. It should be the same for your partner. Do not take your partner or relationship for granted. Luckily for everyone these suggestions are not too difficult to follow; they are actually fun so go ahead and try them and watch your mate become the best friend you ever had.



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