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Two boys thrashed for allegedly stealing chairs from a wedding


Two 20 year old boys from Bihar, Raj Kumar Bind and Birbal Bind, were hung upside down from a tree and beaten to pulp by village men for stealing 5 chairs from a wedding ceremony.

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Locals confirmed there was wedding ceremony in the house of Mahangu Bind. As soon as the Baaraat returned, he found 5 chairs missing out of the items which he hired from a tent house. Mahangu blamed Raj and Birbal and the suspects were called to his house and hung upside down on a tree. They were publicly abused for about three hours until their beggarly families were compelled to pay Rs.3000 as compensation for the chairs.

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However, the victims refused to file a FIR even though this news spread like a wildfire throughout the village. Senior cops of the districts had to promise security to Raj & Birbal before they lodged a FIR against 4 persons included Mahangu Bind. One of the four have been arrested, while Mahangu and three others evaded the police.


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