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India: The New Consensus Builder

Given the big divide and global mistrust, many naysayers had expected a fractured or no declaration at all, but India’s G20 Presidency came out...

Biden’s India Trip May Open New Doors For Cooperation

Washington DC: India and the US will reinforce the strong strategic partnership forged during the state visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the...

EXPLAINER: What Is No-Confidence Motion? How It Impacted Previous Governments?

After the opposition moves the no-trust motion in the parliament over the violence in Manipur, a vote of no-confidence will be conducted against the...

Congress Gets A ‘Booster Dose’ In Karnataka With A Clean Sweep

New Delhi: It is a clean sweep for the Congress in Karnataka as the grand old party secured a comfortable majority in the state...

EXCLUSIVE: NaMo’s Big US Trip 2023: Yoga In NYC, State Visit In Washington DC, And Mega Diaspora Event In Chicago

Washington DC: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the US is in the works and amongst things on the menu is a mega...

