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IMD Issues Red Alert For Delhi; Temperature Likely To Touch 44 Degrees

New Delhi: The India Meteorological Department (IMD) issued a red alert on Sunday, signaling no immediate respite from the ongoing heatwave in the capital....

Massive Dust Storm, Rain Hits Mumbai: 8 Dead, 64 Injured After Metal Hoarding Collapses; High-Level Inquiry Ordered

Rainfall did bring major relief to Mumbaikars from heat. The sudden change in weather brought traffic traffic to a standstill as commuters took shelter during the storm

Massive Solar Storm That Could Disrupt Communication, Power Grids, GPS; Here’s All You Need To Know

New Delhi: Earth experienced its most powerful solar storm in more than two decades, unleashing breathtaking celestial displays. This remarkable occurrence, characterised by a...

April 2024 Breaks Temperature Record

In yet another alarming news of global warming, Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) has announced that April 2024 was the hottest April on record....

Unironed Mondays For A Greener Tomorrow: CSIR’s Sustainability Campaign

Scientists of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, the CSIR' have started an innovative campaign - "Wrinkles Achhe Hain (WAH)" an effort aimed at...

