Foreign Secy on home turf to boost bilateral ties


Foreign Secretary, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, had a series of interactions with interlocutors in the US Government during his visit to Washington DC on 29th June, 2015. He met, among others, US National Security Advisor Susan E Rice, US Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken and U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) Michael Froman.

Jaishankar was earlier the Indian Envoy to the US and also the head of The Americas desk in the Indian Foreign Ministry.

During his meeting with the US National Security Advisor Rice in the White House, the two of them discussed India’s role in South Asia and the Indian Ocean Region, including for promotion of connectivity and economic integration and relief and reconstruction in Nepal after the earthquake of April 2015.  They reviewed the implementation of initiatives taken during the two summits between leaders Prime Minister Modi and President Obama in the past one year.

Deputy Secretary of State Blinken, who hosted a luncheon in honour of Foreign Secretary, discussed with him a range of bilateral, regional and global issues of topical relevance.They also explored deeper collaboration and engagement to address emerging global challenges like terrorism, climate change and cyber issues and policy coordination on internet governance and other matters.

The meeting between Jaishankar and USTR Froman covered the ground of India-US economic and commercial engagement. They agreed to work together to promote and reinvigorate economic partnership, and to create infrastructure and policy framework to make it attractive for businesses of the two sides to engage with each other.

Chief Executive Officer of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), Dana J Hyde, also called on him and briefed him of the MCC’s planned engagement with India.


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