Bid adieu to monsoon skin woes


After days of severe heat and dust, the monsoon has brought in some relief. But, we cannot deny the fact that it also brings with it several issues like skin allergies, acne breakouts, and frizzy hair among others.

Drizzling can cause the formation of fungus that multiplies at a rapid rate in monsoon. The rise in the oil secretion from the body leads to skin and hair issues. Thus, in order to stay away from these ailments, one should consult a qualified dermatologist instead of resorting to temporary remedies.

Skin allergies like non-bullous and bullous impetigo, fungal infections, continuous folliculitis, tinea capitis (fungal infection of hair) are rampant in monsoon. Diseases like nail infection, Athlete’s foot, acne, fungal infections, and scabies fizzy hair, etc.

In monsoon, the humid weather leads to continuous sweating which clogs all the pores of your face resulting in unwanted whiteheads and blackheads. So, if you are facing similar problems every monsoon, then one should choose the treatments and the products correctly.


(With inputs from ANI)


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