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These vacation rental mistakes can be avoided when travelling


Vacation rentals are a great alternative to hotels, and are becoming even more popular and an easier option to book at any time. However, it is important to remember that booking a home stay or vacation rental is different from booking a hotel.

There are different kinds of properties from the best to the worst, with the best facilities to the least of facilities, from the best locations to the completely isolated ones. To make your vacation rental comfortable and pleasant, here are some mistakes that you need to avoid.

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Vacation rentals are not hotels

Do not expect to get the same comfort and conveniences at vacation rentals as a hotel. If you think, you would get the properly wrapped bars of soap, matched towels, and the best furniture and electrical appliances, you might be mistaken. You cannot compare a vacation rental to a hotel room.

Booking from unknown sources

Beware! There are a number of scamming companies and websites offering vacation rentals. They might seem completely credible till the time you reach there to find out that there was no reservation. Go for popular and known property agents and websites.

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Missing all details before booking

Before booking and making the payment, make sure to read and cross-check all the details mentioned on the website and verify those that seem suspicious or are missing. Read every point and every word very carefully.

Not paying attention to reviews

The reviews usually posted on the vacation rental websites are credible as only the real guests who have used the properties have the authority to write about them. Their feedback, however, might be extremely valuable, as no one at the property would tell the facts.

Assuming hosts to cater to you

If you think, the property owners would personally meet you and take care of you, it is not true. You might be left to everything on your own including checking in to the property. The services have been handed over to the management that could actually leave you frustrated as you might not find them as relaxing as hotels.

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