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Here are some tips to beat the jet lag and flying blues


While International travels are fascinating, it is always the journey that is crucial, especially for our sleeping patterns. Initial days of the vacation are spent becoming immune to the time zone one is currently in.

So, here are some tips for you to beat the jet lag and the flying blues –

Choose premium economy, if there is an option

For most of us, flying business class is not an option for the high prices. So, some of the airlines have initiated a premium economy option, so opt for that.

You will be given enough space to stretch yourself. Being able to stretch your legs will allow the blood to circulate more freely, which will help you sleep better and be more rested when you land. The back rows, which experience the most amount of upheaval during turbulence and those near the lavatory.

Don’t deprive yourself of sleep

The excitement of a long awaited holiday, or all the last minute tying up of loose ends before you leave for one can mean you’re seriously sleep deprived by the time you board the plane. While tiring yourself out to the point that you spend the entire flight duration sleeping might seem like a good idea for a long haul flight, it can backfire badly.

Make minute changes to your schedule a week in advance

If you’re someone who has trouble falling asleep in a new bed, a week or 10 days before leaving, try falling asleep in different places in your house to help accustom your body. Depending on where you’re travelling to, you can also either start going to bed a couple of hours later or earlier, so that the time difference doesn’t feel too drastic when you finally start your vacation.

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Be patient

Flying even for a couple of hours can be a tiring experience, so a long-haul flight is bound to be exhausting, leaving you with frayed nerves. It might also make you moody and easily irritable. Remember, everyone around you is feeling exactly the same way, and no one benefits when everyone is snappy. Be patient with the cabin crew and your co-passengers.

Try landing during daytime

Your body-clock might be telling you it’s time for bed, but if it’s bright and sunny when you land, you might be able to coax your body out of sleep mode and into an explorative excited mood. Tiring yourself through the day will help you fall asleep in the night even if your body clock is inverted.

So, hope for the best during your international travel and hope for no jet lag and make sure to make your mind immune to these changes.


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