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Modi’s top priority as PM


New Delhi: When Narendra Modi holds his first meeting with officials in the PMO as the 15th Prime Minister, he will be handed a list marked ‘Top Priority’. Such a list is compiled every time there is a change of regime at the Centre. Here is what his new office is waiting to present to Modi as issues to be addressed immediately.


Curbing inflation: One of the biggest problems faced by the common man today is exorbitant prices. Vegetables, Dals, Meat and anything that comes on the middle class family dining table have been dearer and dearer in the last three years. Cartels for onions, potatoes and garlic create a scarcity and jack up prices. The nexus of politicians and traders give the cartels immunity from law. While there has been increased demand for food material, the supply has not kept up.

CAD (Current Account Deficit) adds its own pressure on price stability. With the CPI (Consumer Price Index) at 8% plus, RBI may find it difficult to lower the interest rates that will boost investment and employment generation. In short, the economy presents a major challenge to the new government.

Budget preparation: The new government will have to present a full-fledged budget after taking over. The PMO has drafted its inputs for the exercise to make the new finance minister’s job easier. The government is planning to table a full budget in early July but may not issue something like a 100-day agenda for its economic ministries. Instead the centrepiece of action this summer will be keeping food inflation in check, despite the threat of a monsoon failure. This will help the new government maintain credibility when it presents the Budget in Parliament.

Tackling Corruption: The corruption in administration pertains to allocation of allocation of resources and the pricing. Gas, Coal and Spectrum allocation have been in the news in the recent times and the pricing of the resources were always disputed. The coal scam and the 2G-Spectrum allocation, all spring from the same issue.

Eradicating terrorism: These are subjects which are said to be close to the new prime minister’s heart. Experts expect NDA government to adopt a ‘muscular’ approach to these issues. The Centre would be expected to provide more assistance to the states which are grappling with Naxalism. Modi is widely seen as a strong person and people feel he would take strong and bold decisions on the issues of terrorism.

Top-level bureaucratic reshuffle: While the outgoing government filled up important posts in its last few weeks, there are still several vacancies to be filled. A top-level bureaucratic reshuffle may also be on the cards. Modi is known for his different and effective working style, and prefers his loyal men in order to carry out the works effectively.

List of pending legislation: Several crucial pieces of legislation, such as Lokpal, or anti-corruption Ombudsman, and women’s reservation, could not be passed by UPA government. They have either lapsed because of the term of the 15th Lok Sabha coming to an end, or are pending in the Rajya Sabha. The new government will have to take a fresh look at them. BJP is also likely to come up with various social justice and employment regulatory bills as promised in its manifesto.



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