After US Comments On Farmers’ Protest, India Brings Up Capitol Hill Violence


After the United States backed peaceful demonstrations and freedom of expression and called for dialogue to address farmers’ issues, India responded likening the Republic Day violence at the Red Fort to the storming of the US Capitol on January 6.

Describing peaceful protests and unhindered access to information and the internet as indicators of a “thriving democracy”, the US offered support for reforms aimed at improving and opening up India’s markets to attract private investments.

“We recognise that peaceful protests are a hallmark of any thriving democracy, and note that the Indian Supreme Court has stated the same,” the US embassy spokesperson said on the farmers’ protest, adding, “We encourage that any differences between the parties be resolved through dialogue.”

Incidentally, the remarks by a US embassy spokesperson were the first public comments by the Biden administration on the ongoing protests. The Ministry of External Affairs responded saying that the protest must be seen in the backdrop of India’s democratic ethos while comparing the turn of events at Red Fort to US Capitol Hill violence.

Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Anurag Srivastava meanwhile said during a press briefing, “Any protests must be seen in the context of India’s democratic ethos and polity, and the ongoing efforts of the government and the concerned farmer groups to resolve the impasse.”

ALSO READ: Parliament LIVE Updates: No Problem In Farm Laws, Govt Ready To Make Amendments, Says NS Tomar


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